Zambaiti Cotton Mill, a reference point for the Italian textile industry for over fifty years, was selected as a case study within the Workshop “Towards the 5.0 Transition” of SPS Italia, the fair dedicated to Automation and Digital in Industry. This recognition underlines the company's commitment to research and application of cutting-edge solutions in the textile sector.
Cotonificio Zambaiti's participation in the event is the result of its collaboration with Baumer, which led to the implementation of advanced encoders in its production processes, using this type of technology for the first time in the textile sector, resulting in a revamping of industrial machines and an increase in the efficiency of production systems. The company thus consolidates itself as a cutting-edge reference in Industry 5.0, marking another significant advancement in its historic textile tradition.
During the speech at the fair, Cotonificio Zambaiti will illustrate how the installation of these devices aligns perfectly with the principles of Industry 5.0, promoting significant energy savings and accurate measurement of consumption.
During the project, thanks to the contribution and joint work of DeNani srl, Zepoch Sagl and IotaLab srl, advanced sensors and specific hardware were integrated, including computers integrated into the machines. A tailor-made software was also developed and implemented, designed to optimize every phase of the Bergamo company's entirely Made in Italy production: from preparation to finishing, from dyeing to printing and cutting of fabrics. Each item produced by the company is therefore the result of a skilful mix of historical craftsmanship skills applied to the most innovative operating systems for optimizing consumption and sustainability.
The final objective of the project was to carry out a detailed analysis and attribution of production costs, allowing a precise allocation of each expense to the relevant work centers. This methodology allowed for accurate management of costs and working times, as well as scheduling of operations based on energy consumption peaks and the integration of new renewable energy sources, such as recently installed solar panels.
L'Eco di Bergamo 24 May 2024