Industrial Soul


“You can't do good economics with bad ethics.”

Bertrand Russell




It is here that the rigor of Made in Italy combines with cutting-edge techniques to offer excellence and reliability.

The achievement of the business objective is satisfied to the extent that it is carried forward consistently in sharing our values of promotion to one sustainable social development and environmental.

in the safety of workers up to the protection of the health of customers and in inclusive development in the territory and in the community

through the enhancement of interactions between employees, collaborators, suppliers and customers in working methods

favoring agreements with schools and universities in order to provide integration opportunities for young people

through the enhancement of interactions between employees, collaborators, suppliers and customers in working methods

in the safety of workers up to the protection of the health of customers and in inclusive development in the territory and in the community

favoring agreements with schools and universities in order to provide integration opportunities for young people


• Respect for natural resources: reduction in the consumption of raw materials and containment of waste.

• Waste management: increase in recovered waste, promotion of separate waste collection and reduction of waste produced.

• Emission control: reduction of dust and polluting emissions, use of emission abatement systems.

• Water protection: maintaining the efficiency of systems, reducing water waste and preventing water pollution.

• Soil protection: monitoring and protection of soil permeability, prevention of soil contamination.

I. Environmental.

• Respect for natural resources: reduction in the consumption of raw materials and containment of waste.

• Waste management: increase in recovered waste, promotion of separate waste collection and reduction of waste produced.

• Emission control: reduction of dust and polluting emissions, use of emission abatement systems.

• Water protection: maintaining the efficiency of systems, reducing water waste and preventing water pollution.

• Soil protection: monitoring and protection of soil permeability, prevention of soil contamination.

II. Social.

• Training and raising awareness of employees on environmental issues and good sustainability practices.

• Promotion of a safe working environment that respects current regulations.

• Involvement of suppliers and customers in promoting sustainable and responsible practices.

• Support for the local economy and job creation in Italy.

• By collaborating with universities and institutes, we allow students to apply the skills acquired in the workplace.

II. Social.

• Training and raising awareness of employees on environmental issues and good sustainability practices.

• Promotion of a safe working environment that respects current regulations.

• Involvement of suppliers and customers in promoting sustainable and responsible practices.

• Support for the local economy and job creation in Italy.

• By collaborating with universities and institutes, we allow students to apply the skills acquired in the workplace.

Production processes.

• Use of eco-compatible and low environmental impact technologies and production processes.

• Process optimization to reduce waste and increase energy efficiency through the use of low energy consumption machinery and systems.

• Research and development of new sustainable solutions and materials for the production of products.

• Implement machinery maintenance and upgrade practices to ensure efficient and safe operation.

◍ Solar Storage

III. Production processes.

• Use of eco-compatible and low environmental impact technologies and production processes.

• Process optimization to reduce waste and increase energy efficiency through the use of low energy consumption machinery and systems.

• Research and development of new sustainable solutions and materials for the production of products.

• Implement machinery maintenance and upgrade practices to ensure efficient and safe operation.

◍ Solar Storage

IV. Certificates.
