Nuove Soluzioni Funzionali ed Ecologiche

L’attuale andamento del mercato va a premiare le soluzioni ecofriendly, quali il cotone biologico e le fibre rigenerate, come dimostra l’ottimo riscontro ottenuto dalle nostre trapunte con imbottitura da PET riciclato”, rileva Luca Anesa, Direttore Generale di Cotonificio Zambaiti.
The tablecloth qualifies the style of the Mise en Place - Casa Stile

The current trends prevailing in the table textile sector reflect a mix of tradition and innovation.
Zambaiti Cotton Mill Case Study at SPS Italia

Cotonificio Zambaiti, a reference point in the Italian textile industry for over fifty years, was selected as a case study in the “Towards Transition 5.0” Workshop of SPS Italia, the fair dedicated to Automation and Digital in Industry.
The fresh Cassera Casa in Casa Stile muslin

Casa Stile talks about us.
Coastal Blues for the Seaside House

Discover the charm of the Coast with the New Collection of Home Linens by Paola Marella
Provence in the Paola Marella Country House collection

Immerse yourself in the enchanted atmosphere of Provence with Paola Marella's new home linen collection. High quality sheets, duvet covers and tablecloths await you.
Foppapedretti, new line of bedroom textiles with the Zambaiti Cotonificio

Foppapedretti, new home textile line made in Bergamo with Cotonificio Zambaiti
“Mountain House” by Paola Marella

Home linen in mountain house style designed by Paola Marella, duvet cover sheets, quilts, throws, furnishing cushions, stain-resistant tablecloths and breakfast placemats
Cotonificio Zambaiti supports the “Come a Casa” project of the Telethon Foundation

Cotonificio Zambaiti supports the Telethon Foundation's Come a Casa project

VIVERSANI & BELLI – 21 October 2022