Nuove Soluzioni Funzionali ed Ecologiche

L’attuale andamento del mercato va a premiare le soluzioni ecofriendly, quali il cotone biologico e le fibre rigenerate, come dimostra l’ottimo riscontro ottenuto dalle nostre trapunte con imbottitura da PET riciclato”, rileva Luca Anesa, Direttore Generale di Cotonificio Zambaiti.

“Mountain House” by Paola Marella

Collezione Casa di Montagna Paola Marella di Cotonificio Zambaiti

Home linen in mountain house style designed by Paola Marella, duvet cover sheets, quilts, throws, furnishing cushions, stain-resistant tablecloths and breakfast placemats

The Metropolitan House of Paola Marella

Casa Metropolitana Paola Marella Collection with Cotonificio Zambaiti Are you passionate about refined and chic household items? The new collection of bed linen and living furniture arrives

The Strength of Made in Italy and Natural Products

La direzione di Cotonificio Zambaiti conferma la forza di Made in Italy e le fibre naturali

Cotonificio Zambaiti, which brings together all the phases of the production cycle, is guided by the idea that the quality of natural fibers and the pleasure of sleeping in beautiful sheets are priceless. Luca Anesa, General Director of the company, talks about himself.

Read to Art First Edition

I giovani artisti Vincitori del Primo Concorso Letto ad arte

Cotonificio Zambaiti opens its doors to young artists by promoting the Letto ad Arte Collection, born from the competition proposed to young artists of the Giacomo Carrara Academy of Fine Arts in Bergamo, invited to think about the theme by creating a work in complete freedom, without technical preclusions and mode of expression
